Math Facts
Welcome to Math Facts.
Our math facts sessions provide students with the opportunity to practice the foundational operations necessary for higher-level math. These sessions are not based on any one math curriculum or subject, but middle and high school students of all levels will be able to apply the skills they’ve attained in class to their curriculum at home. Class time will consist primarily of teaching these math facts and practicing them together through a variety of exercises and games.
Students will not be assigned at-home work for any of the sessions.
Students are expected to come to class prepared to participate in various math-related exercises, drills, and games.
Instructor: Emma Partridge
Fridays, 10:45 - 11:15 AM
This course is broken down into 6-week sessions, with each session focusing on a single math fact. These sessions are entirely independent of each other and can be chosen based on the needs of each student. Here are the sessions available along with their dates:
Multiplication: September 5th - October 10th
Division: October 24th - December 5th
Fractions: January 9th - February 27th
Decimals: March 6th - April 17th
Order of Operations/Solving for X: April 24th - May 29th
Math Facts sessions are open to Middle through High School students looking to increase their math proficiency. Class size is limited.
Cost: $250 per 6-week session
Blue Ridge Charter School funds are accepted. Payments are available upon request. A $50 admin discount is offered for payment in full using cash or check.