Biology Course

Biology Lab

The Study of Life

Biology Course

Welcome to the study of life.

"But for the most part science as she is taught leaves us cold; the utility of scientific discoveries does not appeal to the best that is in us, though it makes a pretty urgent and general appeal to our lower avidities. But the fault is not in science––that mode of revelation which is granted to our generation, may we reverently say?––but in our presentation of it by means of facts and figures and demonstrations that mean no more to the general audience than the point demonstrated, never showing the wonder and magnificent reach of the law unfolded."

- Charlotte Mason, Towards a Philosophy of Education, pg. 318

Our Biology course takes the study of biology further up and further in, providing the fullness of a high school level science course through the richness of living books and the beauty of Charlotte Mason's educational philosophy. The main components of this course will be: reading, narrating, keeping (journaling), discussion, special studies and experiments/lab work.

Students should plan for approximately 2 hours of work at home each week for this course.

Student's are expected to come to class prepared from their week's assigned reading. They should be ready to participate in a deeper discussion, experiments and/or lab work.

Instructor: Nadine Goodwin

September - May, Fridays, 11:30 - 12:15 PM


  • Sabbath Mood Guides (link & discount code will be provided with supply list)

  • Men, Microscopes and Living Things by Katharine B. Shippen

  • The Body: A Guide for Occupants by Bill Bryson

Required Supplies & Resources:

  • Students will need access to digital resources such as: computer, printer, internet, gmail account

  • 3-ring binder with dividers

  • Suggested Science Notebook

A full list of supplies will go out in the summer.

Biology Course: $550*

*Biology Course contains religious content. Payments are available upon request. A $50 admin discount is offered for payment in full using cash or check.

Biology Lab

Our biology lab option provides hands-on scientific experimentation and demonstration of commonly taught biological principles.

Instructor: Nadine Goodwin

September - May, Fridays, 12:15 - 12:45 PM

Required Supplies & Resources:

  • 3-ring binder with dividers

  • Writing implements

A full list of supplies will go out in the summer.

Biology Lab with Supplies: $400^

^Blue Ridge Charter School funds are accepted for Biology Lab. Biology Lab does not contain religious content. Price includes lab supplies.

High School Course Credits

Both of the above options are High School level, but are open to mature 8th grade students based on recommendation.

A PSA student who completes Biology Course and Biology Lab will earn 1 credit for Biology with Lab.

Biology Course and Biology Lab will easily accomplish the standard Charter AG Course Guide for Biology, although the units will not be in the same order and the pacing will be different than the Guide suggests.

We believe education should be relational.